Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: February 2010
Generated 01-Mar-2010 00:19 CET

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for February 2010
Total Hits 18268
Total Files 16841
Total Pages 14939
Total Visits 1196
Total KBytes 339709
Total Unique Sites 646
Total Unique URLs 138
Total Unique Referrers 131
Total Unique User Agents 165
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 27 631
Hits per Day 652 1758
Files per Day 601 1700
Pages per Day 533 1577
Visits per Day 42 80
KBytes per Day 12132 60240
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 16841
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 15
Code 302 - Found 3
Code 304 - Not Modified 504
Code 401 - Unauthorized 2
Code 403 - Forbidden 27
Code 404 - Not Found 876

Daily usage for February 2010

Daily Statistics for February 2010
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 157 0.86% 116 0.69% 67 0.45% 33 2.76% 35 5.42% 2098 0.62%
2 151 0.83% 107 0.64% 62 0.42% 36 3.01% 36 5.57% 1909 0.56%
3 192 1.05% 141 0.84% 96 0.64% 31 2.59% 30 4.64% 4183 1.23%
4 171 0.94% 116 0.69% 48 0.32% 29 2.42% 31 4.80% 1939 0.57%
5 191 1.05% 152 0.90% 107 0.72% 34 2.84% 37 5.73% 4829 1.42%
6 226 1.24% 168 1.00% 86 0.58% 34 2.84% 36 5.57% 2610 0.77%
7 255 1.40% 192 1.14% 86 0.58% 36 3.01% 34 5.26% 5103 1.50%
8 228 1.25% 168 1.00% 56 0.37% 35 2.93% 37 5.73% 3278 0.97%
9 321 1.76% 281 1.67% 239 1.60% 37 3.09% 36 5.57% 11975 3.53%
10 486 2.66% 413 2.45% 340 2.28% 31 2.59% 35 5.42% 18224 5.36%
11 119 0.65% 90 0.53% 74 0.50% 30 2.51% 39 6.04% 2990 0.88%
12 211 1.16% 163 0.97% 104 0.70% 31 2.59% 39 6.04% 5388 1.59%
13 449 2.46% 409 2.43% 350 2.34% 38 3.18% 43 6.66% 18109 5.33%
14 235 1.29% 195 1.16% 131 0.88% 39 3.26% 36 5.57% 5679 1.67%
15 615 3.37% 565 3.35% 491 3.29% 43 3.60% 47 7.28% 23702 6.98%
16 1478 8.09% 1431 8.50% 1373 9.19% 73 6.10% 67 10.37% 10018 2.95%
17 951 5.21% 890 5.28% 826 5.53% 80 6.69% 75 11.61% 8639 2.54%
18 1758 9.62% 1700 10.09% 1577 10.56% 39 3.26% 41 6.35% 60240 17.73%
19 1441 7.89% 1372 8.15% 1282 8.58% 49 4.10% 44 6.81% 42335 12.46%
20 991 5.42% 908 5.39% 820 5.49% 31 2.59% 38 5.88% 16677 4.91%
21 1565 8.57% 1496 8.88% 1392 9.32% 72 6.02% 51 7.89% 15721 4.63%
22 1169 6.40% 1110 6.59% 979 6.55% 68 5.69% 50 7.74% 20588 6.06%
23 863 4.72% 805 4.78% 745 4.99% 65 5.43% 49 7.59% 7597 2.24%
24 1338 7.32% 1294 7.68% 1256 8.41% 57 4.77% 58 8.98% 9239 2.72%
25 714 3.91% 691 4.10% 659 4.41% 33 2.76% 31 4.80% 6371 1.88%
26 755 4.13% 724 4.30% 682 4.57% 39 3.26% 39 6.04% 7068 2.08%
27 767 4.20% 748 4.44% 699 4.68% 43 3.60% 43 6.66% 8751 2.58%
28 471 2.58% 396 2.35% 312 2.09% 34 2.84% 32 4.95% 14448 4.25%

Hourly usage for February 2010

Hourly Statistics for February 2010
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 19 538 2.95% 17 503 2.99% 17 480 3.21% 902 25242 7.43%
1 8 245 1.34% 7 218 1.29% 6 195 1.31% 302 8468 2.49%
2 32 905 4.95% 30 866 5.14% 30 851 5.70% 488 13652 4.02%
3 47 1341 7.34% 46 1307 7.76% 46 1300 8.70% 407 11392 3.35%
4 49 1385 7.58% 48 1354 8.04% 47 1343 8.99% 1463 40964 12.06%
5 33 951 5.21% 33 924 5.49% 32 919 6.15% 803 22486 6.62%
6 4 113 0.62% 3 85 0.50% 3 84 0.56% 15 423 0.12%
7 13 369 2.02% 11 335 1.99% 10 304 2.03% 187 5244 1.54%
8 39 1119 6.13% 38 1090 6.47% 37 1057 7.08% 217 6079 1.79%
9 7 198 1.08% 5 161 0.96% 3 90 0.60% 127 3565 1.05%
10 24 679 3.72% 21 589 3.50% 16 472 3.16% 246 6883 2.03%
11 24 699 3.83% 21 591 3.51% 14 414 2.77% 334 9342 2.75%
12 23 645 3.53% 19 556 3.30% 17 480 3.21% 905 25354 7.46%
13 12 339 1.86% 9 272 1.62% 5 166 1.11% 210 5868 1.73%
14 9 265 1.45% 7 208 1.24% 4 138 0.92% 110 3076 0.91%
15 56 1588 8.69% 55 1543 9.16% 51 1443 9.66% 675 18912 5.57%
16 32 914 5.00% 28 791 4.70% 23 650 4.35% 217 6070 1.79%
17 20 587 3.21% 18 518 3.08% 13 372 2.49% 691 19359 5.70%
18 8 242 1.32% 7 197 1.17% 4 121 0.81% 172 4821 1.42%
19 37 1056 5.78% 34 966 5.74% 28 806 5.40% 251 7037 2.07%
20 51 1454 7.96% 48 1349 8.01% 41 1149 7.69% 341 9562 2.81%
21 46 1307 7.15% 42 1194 7.09% 35 999 6.69% 1997 55922 16.46%
22 30 861 4.71% 29 812 4.82% 25 724 4.85% 421 11781 3.47%
23 16 468 2.56% 14 412 2.45% 13 382 2.56% 650 18208 5.36%

Top 30 of 138 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 10520 57.59% 31313 9.22% /
2 3852 21.09% 219004 64.47% /stats/usage_200701.html
3 305 1.67% 639 0.19% /stylesheet.css
4 228 1.25% 4605 1.36% /header.jpg
5 168 0.92% 1248 0.37% /images/home1.jpg
6 168 0.92% 890 0.26% /images/home3.jpg
7 166 0.91% 841 0.25% /images/home2.jpg
8 163 0.89% 2670 0.79% /images/home4.jpg
9 86 0.47% 1535 0.45% /images/camping1.jpg
10 84 0.46% 1528 0.45% /images/camping2.jpg
11 82 0.45% 1714 0.50% /images/camping3.jpg
12 81 0.44% 1538 0.45% /images/camping4.jpg
13 77 0.42% 1319 0.39% /images/chalet1.jpg
14 58 0.32% 190 0.06% /voorbeeld/
15 57 0.31% 5610 1.65% /stats/usage_201002.html
16 56 0.31% 3715 1.09% /images/album13.jpg
17 56 0.31% 2494 0.73% /images/internet04.jpg
18 55 0.30% 2698 0.79% /images/internet05.jpg
19 55 0.30% 2970 0.87% /images/internet12.jpg
20 54 0.30% 2985 0.88% /images/album11.jpg
21 54 0.30% 2568 0.76% /images/album2.jpg
22 54 0.30% 3491 1.03% /images/internet07.jpg
23 54 0.30% 3281 0.97% /images/internet13.jpg
24 53 0.29% 3723 1.10% /images/album1.jpg
25 43 0.24% 593 0.17% /stats/usage_200611.html
26 34 0.19% 175 0.05% /images/beckum5.jpg
27 32 0.18% 191 0.06% /images/beckum1.jpg
28 32 0.18% 348 0.10% /images/omgeving2.jpg
29 31 0.17% 187 0.06% /images/beckum13.jpg
30 31 0.17% 605 0.18% /images/omgeving1.jpg

Top 10 of 138 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3852 21.09% 219004 64.47% /stats/usage_200701.html
2 10520 57.59% 31313 9.22% /
3 57 0.31% 5610 1.65% /stats/usage_201002.html
4 228 1.25% 4605 1.36% /header.jpg
5 53 0.29% 3723 1.10% /images/album1.jpg
6 56 0.31% 3715 1.09% /images/album13.jpg
7 54 0.30% 3491 1.03% /images/internet07.jpg
8 54 0.30% 3281 0.97% /images/internet13.jpg
9 54 0.30% 2985 0.88% /images/album11.jpg
10 55 0.30% 2970 0.87% /images/internet12.jpg

Top 10 of 38 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 10520 57.59% 1032 86.50% /
2 3852 21.09% 47 3.94% /stats/usage_200701.html
3 57 0.31% 44 3.69% /stats/usage_201002.html
4 29 0.16% 9 0.75% /stats/
5 43 0.24% 7 0.59% /stats/usage_200611.html
6 58 0.32% 5 0.42% /voorbeeld/
7 20 0.11% 3 0.25% /stats/usage_200906.html
8 15 0.08% 3 0.25% /stats/usage_200911.html
9 17 0.09% 3 0.25% /stats/usage_201001.html
10 5 0.03% 3 0.25%

Top 10 of 39 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 10520 57.59% 1013 84.98% /
2 3852 21.09% 49 4.11% /stats/usage_200701.html
3 57 0.31% 43 3.61% /stats/usage_201002.html
4 29 0.16% 10 0.84% /stats/
5 12 0.07% 9 0.76% /stats/usage_200810.html
6 43 0.24% 7 0.59% /stats/usage_200611.html
7 58 0.32% 6 0.50% /voorbeeld/
8 18 0.10% 5 0.42% /stats/usage_200910.html
9 17 0.09% 4 0.34% /stats/usage_201001.html
10 6 0.03% 3 0.25% /stats/usage_200809.html

Top 30 of 646 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1183 6.48% 1183 7.02% 67273 19.80% 3 0.25%
2 423 2.32% 423 2.51% 24098 7.09% 5 0.42%
3 365 2.00% 365 2.17% 20798 6.12% 5 0.42%
4 308 1.69% 308 1.83% 17555 5.17% 4 0.33%
5 305 1.67% 305 1.81% 0 0.00% 17 1.42%
6 300 1.64% 300 1.78% 917 0.27% 1 0.08%
7 300 1.64% 300 1.78% 917 0.27% 1 0.08%
8 300 1.64% 300 1.78% 916 0.27% 1 0.08%
9 299 1.64% 299 1.78% 914 0.27% 1 0.08%
10 294 1.61% 294 1.75% 898 0.26% 1 0.08%
11 284 1.55% 284 1.69% 868 0.26% 1 0.08%
12 284 1.55% 284 1.69% 868 0.26% 1 0.08%
13 263 1.44% 263 1.56% 803 0.24% 1 0.08%
14 261 1.43% 261 1.55% 797 0.23% 1 0.08%
15 249 1.36% 249 1.48% 761 0.22% 1 0.08%
16 249 1.36% 249 1.48% 761 0.22% 1 0.08%
17 243 1.33% 243 1.44% 742 0.22% 1 0.08%
18 231 1.26% 231 1.37% 13174 3.88% 3 0.25%
19 214 1.17% 214 1.27% 654 0.19% 1 0.08%
20 212 1.16% 212 1.26% 648 0.19% 1 0.08%
21 208 1.14% 208 1.24% 11874 3.50% 5 0.42%
22 208 1.14% 208 1.24% 11876 3.50% 4 0.33%
23 203 1.11% 203 1.21% 620 0.18% 1 0.08%
24 201 1.10% 201 1.19% 614 0.18% 1 0.08%
25 197 1.08% 171 1.02% 7830 2.30% 1 0.08%
26 177 0.97% 177 1.05% 10112 2.98% 2 0.17%
27 167 0.91% 167 0.99% 510 0.15% 1 0.08%
28 162 0.89% 162 0.96% 495 0.15% 1 0.08%
29 161 0.88% 161 0.96% 492 0.14% 1 0.08%
30 156 0.85% 156 0.93% 477 0.14% 1 0.08%

Top 10 of 646 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1183 6.48% 1183 7.02% 67273 19.80% 3 0.25%
2 423 2.32% 423 2.51% 24098 7.09% 5 0.42%
3 365 2.00% 365 2.17% 20798 6.12% 5 0.42%
4 308 1.69% 308 1.83% 17555 5.17% 4 0.33%
5 231 1.26% 231 1.37% 13174 3.88% 3 0.25%
6 208 1.14% 208 1.24% 11876 3.50% 4 0.33%
7 208 1.14% 208 1.24% 11874 3.50% 5 0.42%
8 177 0.97% 177 1.05% 10112 2.98% 2 0.17%
9 197 1.08% 171 1.02% 7830 2.30% 1 0.08%
10 117 0.64% 117 0.69% 6699 1.97% 2 0.17%

Top 30 of 131 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 2429 13.30% - (Direct Request)
2 1647 9.02%
3 998 5.46%
4 944 5.17%
5 932 5.10%
6 647 3.54%
7 646 3.54%
8 646 3.54%
9 562 3.08%
10 562 3.08%
11 562 3.08%
12 561 3.07%
13 560 3.07%
14 560 3.07%
15 560 3.07%
16 560 3.07%
17 559 3.06%
18 557 3.05%
19 556 3.04%
20 550 3.01%
21 548 3.00%
22 540 2.96%
23 535 2.93%
24 84 0.46%
25 83 0.45%
26 79 0.43%
27 59 0.32%
28 55 0.30%
29 55 0.30%
30 54 0.30%

Top 6 of 6 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 2 28.57%
2 1 14.29% camping beckum
3 1 14.29% camping hengelo overijssel
4 1 14.29% erve wolfkotte
5 1 14.29% wolvekotte beckum
6 1 14.29%

Top 15 of 165 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 8332 45.61% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; MRA 4
2 3870 21.18% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1;Kyrovy)
3 623 3.41% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.
4 545 2.98% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.
5 479 2.62% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
6 253 1.38% msnbot/2.0b (+
7 214 1.17% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1
8 197 1.08% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; WebDataCentreBot/1.0; +http://WebDat
9 197 1.08% Sosospider+(+
10 190 1.04% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET
11 153 0.84% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp/3.0;
12 150 0.82% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NE
13 119 0.65% Java/1.6.0_17
14 112 0.61% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
15 101 0.55% Googlebot-Image/1.0

Usage by Country for February 2010

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 18268 100.00% 16841 100.00% 339709 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01