Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: August 2009
Generated 01-Sep-2009 00:31 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for August 2009
Total Hits 10213
Total Files 7687
Total Pages 3850
Total Visits 1443
Total KBytes 161222
Total Unique Sites 526
Total Unique URLs 105
Total Unique Referrers 57
Total Unique User Agents 204
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 13 203
Hits per Day 329 569
Files per Day 247 449
Pages per Day 124 240
Visits per Day 46 70
KBytes per Day 5201 11320
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 7687
Code 206 - Partial Content 74
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 13
Code 302 - Found 4
Code 304 - Not Modified 1490
Code 401 - Unauthorized 3
Code 403 - Forbidden 63
Code 404 - Not Found 879

Daily usage for August 2009

Daily Statistics for August 2009
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 238 2.33% 166 2.16% 56 1.45% 28 1.94% 28 5.32% 3372 2.09%
2 314 3.07% 228 2.97% 100 2.60% 24 1.66% 24 4.56% 4752 2.95%
3 558 5.46% 417 5.42% 189 4.91% 33 2.29% 25 4.75% 7596 4.71%
4 230 2.25% 175 2.28% 86 2.23% 40 2.77% 33 6.27% 3349 2.08%
5 306 3.00% 242 3.15% 196 5.09% 25 1.73% 20 3.80% 7392 4.58%
6 273 2.67% 201 2.61% 84 2.18% 31 2.15% 24 4.56% 5305 3.29%
7 365 3.57% 288 3.75% 212 5.51% 34 2.36% 29 5.51% 4391 2.72%
8 554 5.42% 449 5.84% 240 6.23% 47 3.26% 41 7.79% 6918 4.29%
9 375 3.67% 271 3.53% 102 2.65% 35 2.43% 34 6.46% 6171 3.83%
10 510 4.99% 394 5.13% 199 5.17% 35 2.43% 27 5.13% 6403 3.97%
11 189 1.85% 154 2.00% 53 1.38% 18 1.25% 23 4.37% 3260 2.02%
12 329 3.22% 268 3.49% 78 2.03% 32 2.22% 32 6.08% 6047 3.75%
13 328 3.21% 211 2.74% 81 2.10% 45 3.12% 41 7.79% 4797 2.98%
14 360 3.52% 247 3.21% 93 2.42% 46 3.19% 30 5.70% 4729 2.93%
15 309 3.03% 215 2.80% 91 2.36% 53 3.67% 34 6.46% 4438 2.75%
16 272 2.66% 206 2.68% 85 2.21% 59 4.09% 46 8.75% 4554 2.82%
17 446 4.37% 349 4.54% 138 3.58% 64 4.44% 46 8.75% 8295 5.15%
18 263 2.58% 210 2.73% 83 2.16% 54 3.74% 38 7.22% 4929 3.06%
19 237 2.32% 187 2.43% 84 2.18% 47 3.26% 31 5.89% 3217 2.00%
20 223 2.18% 178 2.32% 96 2.49% 61 4.23% 42 7.98% 3130 1.94%
21 343 3.36% 228 2.97% 94 2.44% 59 4.09% 41 7.79% 4499 2.79%
22 205 2.01% 145 1.89% 89 2.31% 56 3.88% 33 6.27% 3409 2.11%
23 375 3.67% 256 3.33% 131 3.40% 63 4.37% 42 7.98% 4441 2.75%
24 275 2.69% 209 2.72% 110 2.86% 52 3.60% 38 7.22% 4641 2.88%
25 411 4.02% 320 4.16% 159 4.13% 57 3.95% 41 7.79% 8667 5.38%
26 217 2.12% 180 2.34% 78 2.03% 55 3.81% 45 8.56% 3419 2.12%
27 325 3.18% 252 3.28% 108 2.81% 66 4.57% 52 9.89% 5156 3.20%
28 137 1.34% 101 1.31% 67 1.74% 46 3.19% 34 6.46% 2353 1.46%
29 326 3.19% 271 3.53% 204 5.30% 51 3.53% 36 6.84% 3564 2.21%
30 569 5.57% 439 5.71% 227 5.90% 70 4.85% 48 9.13% 6709 4.16%
31 351 3.44% 230 2.99% 237 6.16% 60 4.16% 43 8.17% 11320 7.02%

Hourly usage for August 2009

Hourly Statistics for August 2009
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 8 258 2.53% 6 194 2.52% 3 110 2.86% 129 3989 2.47%
1 5 157 1.54% 4 136 1.77% 3 107 2.78% 141 4361 2.71%
2 4 153 1.50% 3 118 1.54% 3 98 2.55% 74 2306 1.43%
3 2 85 0.83% 1 56 0.73% 1 53 1.38% 21 656 0.41%
4 8 269 2.63% 7 246 3.20% 7 223 5.79% 124 3858 2.39%
5 3 108 1.06% 2 84 1.09% 2 82 2.13% 9 290 0.18%
6 3 105 1.03% 2 86 1.12% 2 84 2.18% 30 938 0.58%
7 13 430 4.21% 12 400 5.20% 11 345 8.96% 132 4081 2.53%
8 7 220 2.15% 5 167 2.17% 3 112 2.91% 67 2080 1.29%
9 7 232 2.27% 5 173 2.25% 3 93 2.42% 137 4233 2.63%
10 14 463 4.53% 11 344 4.48% 4 143 3.71% 214 6628 4.11%
11 12 393 3.85% 9 287 3.73% 3 107 2.78% 237 7356 4.56%
12 16 516 5.05% 12 391 5.09% 5 176 4.57% 358 11101 6.89%
13 23 714 6.99% 17 550 7.15% 6 190 4.94% 341 10575 6.56%
14 22 710 6.95% 17 538 7.00% 6 206 5.35% 392 12159 7.54%
15 22 690 6.76% 16 501 6.52% 5 165 4.29% 370 11483 7.12%
16 17 557 5.45% 13 423 5.50% 4 141 3.66% 285 8844 5.49%
17 13 404 3.96% 9 297 3.86% 5 158 4.10% 210 6514 4.04%
18 20 635 6.22% 12 391 5.09% 8 260 6.75% 499 15469 9.59%
19 15 482 4.72% 10 339 4.41% 4 137 3.56% 175 5438 3.37%
20 19 610 5.97% 15 480 6.24% 5 160 4.16% 324 10052 6.23%
21 25 798 7.81% 19 606 7.88% 12 393 10.21% 428 13259 8.22%
22 24 758 7.42% 17 533 6.93% 5 178 4.62% 332 10291 6.38%
23 15 466 4.56% 11 347 4.51% 4 129 3.35% 170 5260 3.26%

Top 30 of 105 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3298 32.29% 10413 6.46% /
2 605 5.92% 974 0.60% /stylesheet.css
3 507 4.96% 9556 5.93% /header.jpg
4 360 3.52% 1602 0.99% /images/home2.jpg
5 359 3.52% 1654 1.03% /images/home3.jpg
6 358 3.51% 2378 1.48% /images/home1.jpg
7 358 3.51% 5129 3.18% /images/home4.jpg
8 196 1.92% 3543 2.20% /images/camping2.jpg
9 196 1.92% 4024 2.50% /images/camping3.jpg
10 196 1.92% 3720 2.31% /images/camping4.jpg
11 195 1.91% 3559 2.21% /images/camping1.jpg
12 143 1.40% 5476 3.40% /images/internet04.jpg
13 141 1.38% 8158 5.06% /images/album13.jpg
14 140 1.37% 8176 5.07% /images/album1.jpg
15 140 1.37% 6556 4.07% /images/album11.jpg
16 140 1.37% 5917 3.67% /images/internet05.jpg
17 140 1.37% 6434 3.99% /images/internet12.jpg
18 139 1.36% 7162 4.44% /images/internet13.jpg
19 138 1.35% 5818 3.61% /images/album2.jpg
20 138 1.35% 7598 4.71% /images/internet07.jpg
21 128 1.25% 2062 1.28% /images/chalet1.jpg
22 102 1.00% 605 0.37% /images/beckum1.jpg
23 100 0.98% 588 0.36% /images/beckum13.jpg
24 100 0.98% 1965 1.22% /images/omgeving1.jpg
25 100 0.98% 1103 0.68% /images/omgeving2.jpg
26 100 0.98% 1060 0.66% /images/omgeving3.jpg
27 99 0.97% 554 0.34% /images/beckum5.jpg
28 61 0.60% 6914 4.29% /images/route.jpg
29 47 0.46% 146 0.09% /voorbeeld/
30 41 0.40% 3982 2.47% /stats/usage_200908.html

Top 10 of 105 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3298 32.29% 10413 6.46% /
2 507 4.96% 9556 5.93% /header.jpg
3 140 1.37% 8176 5.07% /images/album1.jpg
4 141 1.38% 8158 5.06% /images/album13.jpg
5 138 1.35% 7598 4.71% /images/internet07.jpg
6 139 1.36% 7162 4.44% /images/internet13.jpg
7 61 0.60% 6914 4.29% /images/route.jpg
8 140 1.37% 6556 4.07% /images/album11.jpg
9 140 1.37% 6434 3.99% /images/internet12.jpg
10 140 1.37% 5917 3.67% /images/internet05.jpg

Top 10 of 31 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3298 32.29% 1346 93.73% /
2 41 0.40% 31 2.16% /stats/usage_200908.html
3 30 0.29% 11 0.77% /stats/
4 9 0.09% 6 0.42% /stats/usage_200612.html
5 6 0.06% 3 0.21% /stats/usage_200707.html
6 6 0.06% 3 0.21% /stats/usage_200709.html
7 22 0.22% 3 0.21% /stats/usage_200710.html
8 47 0.46% 3 0.21% /voorbeeld/
9 5 0.05% 2 0.14% /stats/usage_200703.html
10 6 0.06% 2 0.14% /stats/usage_200704.html

Top 10 of 33 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3298 32.29% 1331 92.75% /
2 41 0.40% 30 2.09% /stats/usage_200908.html
3 30 0.29% 13 0.91% /stats/
4 24 0.23% 9 0.63% /stats/usage_200711.html
5 9 0.09% 4 0.28% /stats/usage_200612.html
6 6 0.06% 4 0.28% /stats/usage_200709.html
7 24 0.23% 4 0.28% /stats/usage_200905.html
8 6 0.06% 3 0.21% /stats/usage_200704.html
9 6 0.06% 3 0.21% /stats/usage_200707.html
10 22 0.22% 3 0.21% /stats/usage_200710.html

Top 30 of 526 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 486 4.76% 302 3.93% 6275 3.89% 29 2.01%
2 178 1.74% 152 1.98% 5665 3.51% 1 0.07%
3 141 1.38% 97 1.26% 1142 0.71% 1 0.07%
4 130 1.27% 59 0.77% 1039 0.64% 2 0.14%
5 128 1.25% 75 0.98% 1781 1.10% 3 0.21%
6 120 1.17% 120 1.56% 368 0.23% 1 0.07%
7 120 1.17% 120 1.56% 368 0.23% 1 0.07%
8 120 1.17% 120 1.56% 368 0.23% 1 0.07%
9 108 1.06% 76 0.99% 1462 0.91% 5 0.35%
10 107 1.05% 107 1.39% 328 0.20% 1 0.07%
11 104 1.02% 101 1.31% 8061 5.00% 1 0.07%
12 100 0.98% 29 0.38% 248 0.15% 2 0.14%
13 94 0.92% 94 1.22% 288 0.18% 4 0.28%
14 92 0.90% 39 0.51% 2134 1.32% 28 1.94%
15 90 0.88% 33 0.43% 782 0.49% 1 0.07%
16 85 0.83% 85 1.11% 261 0.16% 85 5.89%
17 84 0.82% 84 1.09% 258 0.16% 84 5.82%
18 84 0.82% 84 1.09% 258 0.16% 84 5.82%
19 84 0.82% 81 1.05% 3291 2.04% 4 0.28%
20 80 0.78% 51 0.66% 886 0.55% 1 0.07%
21 80 0.78% 61 0.79% 1615 1.00% 2 0.14%
22 73 0.71% 41 0.53% 859 0.53% 2 0.14%
23 72 0.70% 72 0.94% 221 0.14% 72 4.99%
24 72 0.70% 51 0.66% 1258 0.78% 1 0.07%
25 72 0.70% 56 0.73% 1144 0.71% 3 0.21%
26 71 0.70% 69 0.90% 1727 1.07% 2 0.14%
27 71 0.70% 50 0.65% 992 0.62% 2 0.14%
28 69 0.68% 61 0.79% 1735 1.08% 2 0.14%
29 68 0.67% 37 0.48% 113 0.07% 22 1.52%
30 68 0.67% 44 0.57% 864 0.54% 1 0.07%

Top 10 of 526 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 104 1.02% 101 1.31% 8061 5.00% 1 0.07%
2 486 4.76% 302 3.93% 6275 3.89% 29 2.01%
3 178 1.74% 152 1.98% 5665 3.51% 1 0.07%
4 84 0.82% 81 1.05% 3291 2.04% 4 0.28%
5 50 0.49% 50 0.65% 3101 1.92% 1 0.07%
6 55 0.54% 34 0.44% 2456 1.52% 26 1.80%
7 92 0.90% 39 0.51% 2134 1.32% 28 1.94%
8 37 0.36% 35 0.46% 2085 1.29% 3 0.21%
9 128 1.25% 75 0.98% 1781 1.10% 3 0.21%
10 69 0.68% 61 0.79% 1735 1.08% 2 0.14%

Top 30 of 57 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 4404 43.12%
2 2410 23.60%
3 2314 22.66% - (Direct Request)
4 360 3.52%
5 129 1.26%
6 120 1.17%
7 107 1.05%
8 33 0.32%
9 32 0.31%
10 25 0.24%
11 25 0.24%
12 20 0.20%
13 20 0.20%
14 20 0.20%
15 15 0.15%
16 14 0.14%
17 12 0.12%
18 12 0.12%
19 11 0.11%
20 11 0.11%
21 10 0.10%
22 8 0.08%
23 7 0.07%
24 6 0.06%
25 6 0.06%
26 5 0.05%
27 5 0.05%
28 5 0.05%
29 5 0.05%
30 5 0.05%

Top 9 of 9 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 11 50.00% camping beckum
2 2 9.09% 86.87 233.6
3 2 9.09% camping beckem
4 2 9.09%
5 1 4.55% camping
6 1 4.55% campings haaksbergen
7 1 4.55% erve wolfkotte
8 1 4.55% ervewolkotte
9 1 4.55%

Top 15 of 204 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 1750 17.14% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.
2 1152 11.28% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.
3 571 5.59% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0;Windows NT 5.1;.NET CLR 1.1
4 569 5.57% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NE
5 425 4.16% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; GTB6; SLCC
6 337 3.30% Sosospider+(+
7 293 2.87% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
8 283 2.77% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; GTB6; .NET
9 273 2.67% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1
10 259 2.54% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
11 243 2.38% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp/3.0;
12 233 2.28% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; nl; rv: Gec
13 186 1.82% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET
14 179 1.75% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; en) Opera
15 170 1.66% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.2; .NET CLR 1

Usage by Country for August 2009

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 10213 100.00% 7761 100.96% 161222 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01